Our Services

Counselling sessions are offered pro-bono. Our student counsellors are committed to helping those who need it by providing safe and secure online sessions to anyone in Canada. Sessions can be done over Zoom using your phone, computer or tablet. We know that it can be scary to open yourself up to someone you don’t know. Especially if you are worried that your problem is too big to solve! Our student counsellors are highly trained and specialize in many different areas ensuring that you are able to get the help you need!

Designed to be a service that helps individuals around the world with a host of issues including anxiety, trauma, depression, goal-setting, relationships.

A nutrition counselor is a supportive resource in helping you make healthier nutrition and lifestyle choices. They’ll work with you to identify problems and gaps in your nutrition.

You are welcome to share the experience you had within the Counselling Centre, it's Student Counsellors, and it's Administration Team. All submissions are anonymous.

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